Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I'm so happy yesterday. We went to my OB-GYNE and everything went well. Our baby is healthy. It's too early to know the gender but I can't stop myself the get excited. What ever the gender is, I just prayed that it's healthy. Spring is coming, every year we always go to our farm. It's pretty nice in our farm especially the trees, sunset, the green grass, in short mother nature. It's nice to have a place like that for we always know that we can go to that place in times of boredom here in the City. Sad to say this year I may not come with my husband. Since I'm into complete bed rest. Having this baby is much important for me that my leisure. Hopefully, in the fall which we are scheduled to visit the farm again, there would be three of us. That would much more fun. 
This few months, I tried to detached myself from stress. I avoid calls that I know will bring me stress. Yesterday, I got a news that I can't really stop. Today, I'm pre-occupied with it. I don't know how to escape this time but hopefully I can before anything will happen to me. I will just pray to God that everything will go away and everything will be answered as soon as possible.

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